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"I come from a proud family that has been involved in education, the military and public service for as long as I can remember. I want to work for you. I believe in representative governance and have watched as our leaders cater to special interests to all our peril.  Below you can learn how I think about some of the major issues we face.  That said, I am not an ideologue nor do I have fixed views.  If new information proves the citizens are better served, I will pivot.  What happens in your neighborhood, in our community, should be decided by you not a bought-and-paid-for-politician  or their donors.  I can promise you that no one, no individual business or special interest will ever own my vote.  Logic, reason, truth, and, most importantly, the voice of the people will drive my decisions."                                                                                                                       -Kat 


protect coloradans

Safety must always come first. I support the creation of a Comprehensive Fire Evacuation Plan for Colorado, particularly in wildfire-prone areas. The Marshall Fire reminded us that fire risks extend beyond mountain communities, underscoring the need for a statewide plan to improve evacuation routes and ensure public awareness of evacuation times and maps. This plan must also address infrastructure upgrades to ensure roads and bridges can handle increased population loads before new developments are approved.

Our government’s primary responsibility is to keep citizens safe. Enforcement of the law must ensure that both public safety and individual rights are upheld.


Smart growth means balancing development with the needs of existing communities and the environment. Colorado's rapid growth has raised concerns about government transparency and citizen participation in the development process. Projects frequently proceed despite strong opposition. Adhering to the Rule of Law and protecting citizens’ property rights are my top priority.

As a proponent of smart growth, I believe in fostering communities that prioritize universal design so individuals can age in their homes. Assessing the impact on public services, such as first responders, schools, and libraries, is essential before new development begins. Equally important is considering the environmental impact, particularly on water resources and the preservation of open space. Protecting Colorado’s clean air, water, and natural beauty is crucial to our long-term success.

smart growth

veterans health & support

We must do more to support our military community, including active-duty service members, veterans, and their families. This means improving outreach, streamlining access to critical services, and expanding mental health support programs that address the unique challenges faced by those who serve our country. We need to enhance educational and career transition programs, ensuring that veterans can seamlessly integrate back into civilian life with meaningful opportunities. Additionally, I will advocate for housing initiatives and better healthcare options, including specialized care for PTSD and trauma recovery.


As your State Representative, I will work to ensure that Colorado leads the way in providing the resources and care our veterans deserve, creating a state that honors their sacrifice and commitment through action, not just words. By partnering with local organizations and the federal government, we can build a comprehensive support system that leaves no veteran or military family behind

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parks & natural resources

Colorado’s natural beauty is one of its most valuable resources. I am committed to conserving and protecting our parks and open spaces. Outdoor recreation, whether hiking, fishing, skiing, or hunting, is a cornerstone of life in Colorado. Open spaces play a crucial role in habitat preservation, wildlife corridors, and groundwater recharge. Our parks and natural resources must be protected from over-commercialization to ensure that individual use and conservation remain priorities.

By maintaining a balance between recreation, conservation, and sustainable use of natural resources, we can ensure Colorado’s outdoor spaces remain accessible and enjoyable for generations to come.

integrity in leadership & citizens' rights

I am passionate about integrity in government, citizens’ rights, and the responsibility elected officials have to represent their constituents, not special interests. With my background in education and public service, I understand the importance of honest communication between government and citizens. Growth and economic development are essential, but they must be done responsibly, ensuring public health and safety are prioritized.

Representative governance means listening to the community and being willing to pivot when new information suggests a better path forward. You have my word that I will be accessible, transparent, and open to compromise, always with the goal of serving the best interests of my constituents.  When I say, "For the people", I mean it.  It's why I am running to put the people back in power as it should be.

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